When we say Made in England, we really mean it

We love the fact that all our clothing is designed in our London studio, and Hand Made in England. We know each of the craftsmen and tailors, visiting them weekly.
We use only 100% British wool, and want to share with you how our wool is woven, and who weaves it.
British Made British Wool Made in England British Menswear England British Mill Yorkshire Mill Sheep Wool Autumn Winter AW18
It's woven in Yorkshire, in a mill surrounded by sheep.
British Made British Wool Made in England British Menswear England British Mill Yorkshire Mill Sheep Wool Autumn Winter AW18
The wool is threaded onto a loom and sections of warp (the lengthways weave) are created.
British Made British Wool Made in England British Menswear England British Mill Yorkshire Mill Sheep Wool Autumn Winter AW18
This is then threaded onto the next loom, for the weft to be woven through.
These machines run 24 hours a day, so as not to waste a moment's productivity.British Made British Wool Made in England British Menswear England British Mill Yorkshire Mill Sheep Wool Autumn Winter AW18
This means working long shifts. The men running these machines started with a three year apprenticeship, and most have been here for over 30 years. Needless to say, their dedication is humbling.British Made British Wool Made in England British Menswear England British Mill Yorkshire Mill Sheep Wool Autumn Winter AW18
Once woven, the process has only just started. The wool is rough, scratchy and uneven, and is taken to the 'Finishing' Department. Here 18 processes are performed to soften and smooth the wool.
British Made British Wool Made in England British Menswear England British Mill Yorkshire Mill Sheep Wool Autumn Winter AW18
The wool is wrung, wet, dried, squeezed through multiple mangles, singed, shaven, heated up, cooled and finally finished.
British Made British Wool Made in England British Menswear England British Mill Yorkshire Mill Sheep Wool Autumn Winter AW18
This is all under the supervision of local Yorkshire men, who have all dedicated their life's work to the weaving process.
British Made British Wool Made in England British Menswear England British Mill Yorkshire Mill Sheep Wool Autumn Winter AW18
The cloth is quality checked five times in total to check for any flaws, including stitching back into the cloth any missing strands.
British Made British Wool Made in England British Menswear England British Mill Yorkshire Mill Sheep Wool Autumn Winter AW18
 We met Liz, who's been doing the same job for 50 years, and says she won't stop til the day she dies.
British Made British Wool Made in England British Menswear England British Mill Yorkshire Mill Sheep Wool Autumn Winter AW18
Finally, the wool is delivered to us, who  take it to the tailor, based in London, who makes our Nehru Gilets.
British Made British Wool Made in England British Menswear England British Mill Yorkshire Mill Sheep Wool Autumn Winter AW18
There is so much highly skilled human contact from start to finish, and we're so proud to be using this British wool in every Marmaduke Gilet.
British Made British Wool Made in England British Menswear England British Mill Yorkshire Mill Sheep Wool Autumn Winter AW18
We only ever use this pure wool, made by true British craftsmen.
British Made British Wool Made in England British Menswear England British Mill Yorkshire Mill Sheep Wool Autumn Winter AW18 Nehru Gilet Nehru Vest Nehru Waistcoat Nehru jacket
Our Nehru Gilets, from start to finish, truly are a work of art which will last a lifetime.